Francis Scott Key, Post 11 Centennial Coin
The FSK Post 11, 100 Anniversary Coin continue to be available. The coins make a great gift for any Holiday or Birthday. Please consider sharing and preserving our heritage and purchase these as keepsakes for yourself, kids, grandkids, relatives & friends. Remember the sale of these coins help fund our Centennial Celebration, as well as preserving the memory of the Post’s 100 Years of dedicated service, traditions and efforts of our founding members and members through the years.
How can you help? The first thing is to purchase coins for yourself and your family, and talk to your friends about them. Secondly, we really can use help selling them.
If you wish to purchase your coin and/or wish to assist with the sales, please contact Patricia Swiderski in the office at 301-662-9345 or any Post Officer.