FSK Post 11 Update 20210118

American Legion Logo Image

We are Open

Sunday 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm, Monday 11:00 am – 9:00 pm, Tuesday 11:00 am – 10:00 pm, Wednesday 11:00 am – 9:00 pm, Thursday 11:00 am – 9:00 pm, Friday 11:00 am – 10:00 pm, Saturday 2:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Current seating capacity is at 25% (approximately 50 patrons) for the lounge and game room.

Lunch and Dinner may be called in or ordered TO GO. Call 301-662-9345. All ordering is off the limited menu. We welcome our Legion, SAL, Auxiliary, Active Duty and Veterans to join us.

We have our weekly Ace of Spades drawing on Tuesday at 7:00 pm. Auxiliary will have their meeting via Zoom on Tuesday at 7:00 pm. If you are an Auxiliary member and would like to attend, please contact Bonnie Lamson at info@fskunit11.org for the Zoom invite.

Our Lucky-3 daily drawing in March. Get your tickets NOW. Cost $10 per ticket. You may mail in a check (payable to FSK Post 11) and you will be mailed tickets. Checks must be received by February 15th. They have two 3-digit numbers on each ticket. If one of your number matches the MD Lottery evening pick three during March 1-30, you Win. Prizes vary each day from $50 to $500. You have 60 chances to win with each ticket.

The Oratorical contest will be held on Saturday, January 23rd at 1pm at the Post Home.

Scholarship applications are available in the office or at the bar. Remember to pick up all three (Legion, SAL, Auxiliary). They must be returned to the office by April 15th.

We will continue to take great care and caution in keeping our facilities safe for our members and guests. Please continue to wear your mask, use the hand sanitizer, and wash your hands frequently.

• All licensed, registered, and certified health care providers.
• Front line hospital staff.
• Nursing home residents and staff.
• Assisted living, independent living, and other congregate facilities.
• Law enforcement and firefighters, EMS.
• Education staff, including K-12 teachers, support staff and daycare providers.
• Correctional health care staff and officers.
• Front line judiciary staff.
• Continuity of government.
• Adults age 75 and older.
If you are included in one of the groups listed above, you are currently eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccination.

Commander Jones

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