Francis Scott Key Post 11
BINGO (Sunday)
First Sunday each month - September thru June
Masks / face shields are optional during Wednesday and Sunday bingos.
Doors open at 11:30 AM - Games start at 2:00 PM
Post 11 Home
$500.00 payout per game.
Two $1,000.00 Jackpot Games
Two 50/50 Games
Advance Ticket $60.00 - reserve seating available for advance ticket sales.
Tickets at the door - $70.00.
Advance Tickets in the Lounge - 1450 Taney Ave. or at Wednesday Night Bingo
Meal is included - lunch served at noon
BINGO (Wednesday)
BINGO Every Wednesday
Masks / face shields are optional during Wednesday and Sunday bingos.
Doors open at 4:30 PM. Bingo Sales start at 5:00 PM.
Games start at 7:00 PM
Post 11 Home
GAMES: Early Bird, Winner Take All, Quickie, 50/50, Specials, Regular Bingo, Senior Jackpot, Grand Slam (Jackpot $2,000). 30 games in total.
Players receive a Loyalty card and earn a free 6 pack of regular games with a filled card.
Ball Games prior to Early Bird games
Tip Jars available.
Snack bar (candy, chips, soda) open 4:30 - 7:00 pm and at halftime. Kitchen open 5:00 - 7:00 pm only.
Payout is determined by the number of players.
Minimum payout $60.00