The American Legion Text & Logo Image

National Security

Francis Scott Key Post 11

The American Legion believes national security must be maintained to fulfill the mandate for a strong national defense. As stated in the Preamble, “FOR GOD AND COUNTRY WE ASSOCIATE OURSELVES TOGETHER FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America... To safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy.”

The Legion is an organization of veterans who fought for freedoms, which they are dedicated to keeping and preserving. As one of the Four Pillars it was founded on, the Legion believes national security is upheld by keeping a well-funded Department of Defense, a good quality of life for troops and a sensible transition between service and separation.

For details about the National Security Program or to volunteer for the Committee, contact our Committee Chairman from our Committee Contacts page.

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