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Francis Scott Key Post 11

The American Legion and Post 11 have always considered assisting our Veterans and their families a priority. Providing financial assistance, such as help with educational expenses, was generally limited because of funding and on a case by case basis. Scholarships, if awarded, were generally through the Child Welfare Committee. The first record of Post 11 Scholarship was reported in the local newspaper on October 12, 1927, and stated that an Annual Post 11 Scholarship would be awarded to a deserving boy or girl. In 1973 the Post Commander established a Scholarship Committee, and money was raised through various fundraising activities. Small Scholarships were awarded to a number of relatives of Veterans and/or Veterans who applied and met the criteria. The number of Scholarships varied from year to year based on the amount of funding raised. After the 4 February 1987 death of Past Commander (1942-43) Clifford M. Yinger, Post 11 received an inheritance from the Yinger Estate with the stipulation that it not be used for administrative or other expenses but to establish an appropriate memorial in memory of Ruth and Clifford Yinger. Post 11 voted to use the funds for the purpose of awarding scholarships in the Name of Past Commander Yinger. The Post worked with The Community Foundation of Frederick County, Inc. to establish an account for the inheritance to ensure that the funds would grow and be used for scholarships, and it was named The Francis Scott Key Post 11/Clifford M. Yinger Children and Youth Fund. The Scholarship Committee established criteria for qualifying and graded each application on its own merits for ranking to award. At least five $1000 scholarships are awarded annually, and the Post has provided additional money to award more based on available budget. While the Scholarship Committee collects, reviews and ranks for award, the Scholarship Funds are administered through The Community Foundation.

Scholarship Eligibility Requirements

The following persons are eligible:

  1. All members of Francis Scott. Key Post # 11
  2. All members of Francis Scott Key Auxiliary Unit #11
  3. All members of Francis Scott Key Sons Of American Legion Squadron #11
  4. All members of Francis Scott Key Jr. Auxiliary Unit # II
  5. All Descendants of 1 thru 3
  6. Graduate students are NOT eligible for scholarships

Scholarships will be awarded by the post at the recommendation of the scholarship committee in the amount of one thousand ($1,000) dollars. Individuals are limited to two (2) scholarships total.

Awards will be sent directly to the recipient's choice of school or to the individual, if proof of payment is established. Any person, who was not accepted, may reapply the following year, if eligible. Condition of Scholarship award:

  • If the recipient does not complete the school term for which the scholarship is awarded, the recipient or recipients' school shall refund the award or proportional amount, pursuant to school policy, to the American Legion Post # 11 within sixty (60) days from the date enrollment is terminated.
  • If the recipient fails to enroll and attend a school, the scholarship award maybe awarded to the next eligible applicant.

All scholarship applications must be completed in full and shall be submitted by April 15th, Mail to or drop off at legion business office.

Francis Scott Key Post #11 the American Legion

1450 Taney Avenue

Frederick, Maryland 21702



For details about the Scholarships Program or to volunteer for the Committee, contact our Committee Chairman from our Committee Contacts page.

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